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Kentucky 5*
16-April-2021 18:33
in General
by Admin
Things have come around really quickly and I am now on the eve of heading out to Kentucky for the 13th time.
The Oratorio syndicate and I felt we should seize the moment as he has been preparing for Badminton all winter, is fit and ready to go and in the form of his life. It feels a long time since being under pressure with the way the world has been over the last year but I am really looking forward to tackling one of my favourite 5 star events, a place that has been lucky for me over the years.
Oratorio has taken the flight well and has settled in to quarantine.
Alex Van Tuyll is looking after him and me for the week so that Jackie can keep everything in order at home and for Kazu. She has done a fantastic job with notes and packing and as ever has left nothing to chance.
It is worth having a look at her Facebook videos, they are really interesting following Oratorio on to the plane.
I am really looking forwards to linking up with Jeep while I am out there. It is going to be so sad to not have Oratorio’s wonderful team there to support him but they have been so supportive of the whole idea and I hope will be following our every step.
I can’t quite believe it is all round the corner fingers crossed.
Thanks to lead sponsors Jeep, and to Margie Shoop for the photos